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Sunday, May 21, 2006 

Problem is not reservation, it’s just side effect

When a bucket is overflowing with water . What is the problem water overflowing or knob being on. One is the problem another is the effect .

Cause : Water knob is on .

Effect : Water overflowing.

When we feel bad about the reservation in education on the merit basis not on need basis

we try to argue that how 'Reservation is wrong' and try to prove it logically. With the base of logic being achieving for the good of the community as whole.

Now once again if we see the situation from different perspective 'The (faulty) democracy' is the cause. And the reservation is the effect. I truly believe that those who played reservation card played it not for advancement of community but for there political gain. It is foolish to think that Reservation was for good of the society . It is good for the section of society which is in majority and hence happens to be the real center of decision making body. Discrimination against upper-cast (the minority ) is a mild version of of jews discrimination in Germany. And only good thing is they are not being killed or imprisoned for being uppercast. The worst part is they are not able to understand that. hah .

History is evidence that powerful rules weak. In democracy power is with section of population in majority.

I am just not surprised over the situation why the upper cast people are facing

the reverse discrimination under the sweet name of 'social justice' .

If by democracy we mean opting for the path which more number of people support

rather than 'the right path' I do not see how you can challenge Reservation. Those who took the decision of reservation took the decision because it was rewarding for them and they were rewarded by section which is in majority . It is foolish to try to prove to these people that how reservation is bad for society as a whole.

There is no incentive in ( at least our ) Democracy to choose the right path over the path wanted by more number people . If there should be debate , then it should be on how to make Democracy choose the right decision against the decision wanted by more number of people.

Just for analogy I feel the ongoing discussion over Reservation is like trying to take water out of overflowing bucket of water instead of turning off the water knob.


Ajeet (The antithesisist )

Holocaust is on its way ... are u ready for that ?????

They will exterminate people who exploited them..... something like revenge !!!

History is evidence , it has its own ways for justice .
The bloody revolution in paris ,
execution of King by protestants in Engalnd.
One day the true justice will be served .

Hey Ajith...nice article...keep up the work!!
Everytime when i used to read any article abt reservation or come across this topic my arguement is
Do we (Politicians or whoever) really want these so called "backward classes" to come forward in their lives ??
If at all we are providing them reservation quota in "Educational feild" then do we really need to provide the same reservation quota to them in "Professional feild" aswell ? Won't they be self sufficient to get job based on the education ?? isn't it Govt's responsibility to make sure that they get proper education to be fit/qualify enough to get their jobs with the merit alone ?
Is it not Govt responsibility to make sure that people who has got seats via reservation in education will not get any sort of benefit in getting jobs ? i.e they need to make sure that the person gets a proper kind of education so he should be able to get his job on his own merit.

My belief is that by providing reservations in all possible feilds like this is making them (so called backward classes ) laid back and not to struggle for existance. They will always think that we have reservations, even though we get 40-50% we will be able to get a seat in BE later we will get a job aswell if we passout with min marks......inturn we ourselves will allow them not to work hard and utilise their capacity to the fullest ? don't you think ? Darwin's theory is not for Joke right ?
I may not be good at putting my words in proper way but i hope you were able to follow it :)

I liked these lines which u hv written.
If by democracy we mean opting for the path which more number of people support
rather than 'the right path' I do not see how you can challenge Reservation. Those who took the decision of reservation took the decision because it was rewarding for them and they were rewarded by section which is in majority . It is foolish to try to prove to these people that how reservation is bad for society as a whole.
Mylines : I'm not sure that majority is with so called backward classes reservation policy its all bad analysis :) . It really hurts how politicians are taking advantage of the Constitution in place and Democracy of our country to their advantage and we are mere watchers.
I am just not surprised over the situation why the upper cast people are facing
the reverse discrimination under the sweet name of 'social justice' .
My lines : Also i don't think the day is far behind where these so called forward classes will become backward classes :)

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